Hans-Christoph Noack is an expert in strategic communication. As a longtime senior business journalist for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and Director of Corporate Communication at Air Berlin, he knows the stress field of business and media from his own experience - on both sides.
For more than twenty years he has worked as a business journalist. Started as an editorial member of the first private national TV news provider (Tele-FAZ). Followed by further years as a TV journalist - author of reports and documentaries, as a presenter of live broadcasts and discussions.
As a business journalist, he was executive editor and wrote about auto industry, chemistry, aviation, tourism, hospitality, engineering, social partnership and collective bargaining in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. After the fall of the GDR, he headed the economics department of a national newspaper (New Time) and was a member of the Editorial Board.
Management issues such as leadership, organization, marketing, and not least accounting and reporting were more than ten years the focus of his journalistic work as Managing Editor and Head of the business section of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and the "look through the economy," a publicly daily newspaper for specialists and executives.
He is the author of several film and television productions and has authored technical papers to business reports, brand communication and transport policy. With Prof. Karlheinz Küting he has issued „Der große BWL-Führer - Die 50 wichtigsten Strategien und Instrumente zur Unternehmensführung“
After joining the second largest German airline Air Berlin PLC as Director of Corporate Communication of he went into corporate communications. Since 2011 he works as a consultant for strategic communications.