A good reputation is a decisive help

Reputation management, stakeholder communications and crisis communications are interdependent.

"Worldly wisdom teaches that it is better for the reputation to fail conventionally than to succeed unconventionally."
John Maynard Keynes

Reputation Management

Reputation management is essential for companies that want to be still superior to their competition tomorrow. For NOACK Kommunikation Reputation management is not limited to the boardroom, but affects the entire enterprise: from strategy through organization and corporate culture to product life cycle and supporting systems.

We develop a customized communications concept for your reputation management which secures your organization a sustainable competitive edge and keeps you able to act in difficult situations.


Persuasive communications environment


Organizations and companies are often faced with public criticism through no fault of their own. Residents, employees, politicians, citizens' initiatives raise questions and expect that executives make criticism public and give convincing answers. This is more than the short-term reacting with the usual instruments. Critical stakeholders have further expectations and demands.

Therefore, stakeholder communication is a useful and effective tool to anchor an organization in its social, political and public environment. The steady deposit on an imaginary "trust account" keeps your organization credible, gains reputation and helps through times of crises.

We design a tailor-stakeholder approach for you, train staff and assist you with your public relations.

Crisis Communication

A crisis is always inconvenient and untimely. The effect may be existential, if value is destroyed and confidence shaken or even lost in the long term due to poor communication

It is better to be prepared for possible crisis scenarios. With our expertise in various crisis situations such as strikes, bomb threats , the flight ban in Germany due to the Icelandic ash cloud or unwarranted public attacks on the reputation of your company , we want to prepare as well as possible for crises.

We support you in the development of contingency plans and the training of employees. The training concepts provide for the participation in emergency exercises, advice on communication structures before the onset of the crisis situation and the definition of internal crisis communication structures.


Your benefits at a glance:

  • Implementation in many industries
  • Networked Communications
  • Identification of reputational risks
  • Full prevention plan
  • Proven track record