Personal credibility wins

Specialized center for owners, directors, managers, department heads, spokesperson , marketing managers and PR professionals

They are the face of the company

As a leader, you are representing your company or organization to the media , politics, on customers and staff meetings or citizens events. For internal communication, it is very crucial how supervisors communicate with their employees  Your key messages must be tailored to the addressee . Because " said " is not enough . Paul Watzlawick once said aptly : " The truth is not what A says , but what B understands ."

"I very well remember your professional media training. In fact, I still benefit from what I have learned then! In today's media world communication is in fact becoming more and more demanding, so it is even more important to have an experienced consultant on one’s side."
Executive, DAX Company

Training with experienced journalists

We help you to convey the right message at the best possible time in the appropriate form to the desired people. Recognize interview traps, place key messages under time pressure and advertise your shareholder convincing your viewpoints.

Experienced as a longtime journalist with management responsibility in key media and Group spokesman of a listed company, you benefit from a customized individual training. The individual training includes a detailed preliminary training, media training at the place of your choice and a written follow-up - with the option of using a DVD with the practice exercises .

An experienced cameraman will put you and your performances in the best possible light with professional technical equipment.

Your benefits at a glance:

  • Determine your objectives in advance 
  • Individual training
  • Practical exercises under live conditions
  • Years of experience in conducting interviews by the coach
  • Acting instead of reacting